What has 2022 meant to you?


So, what has 2022 meant to me? 

The first thing that comes to mind is how I invested in a relationship that has been important to me for a very long time, someone with impeccable skills and abilities that has helped me take the mission of the Ripple to the next level.  

So I have to thank you, Cynthia Berg, for your energy, your effort, and your ability to help me stay focused on and committed to growing the Ripple brand and community. Having a co-conspirator and co-creator has been tremendous for me. It's given me the freedom to explore and play, and to make a bigger dream possible for the Ripple movement.  

And this certainly manifested in the Ripple Membership.

It hasn’t been easy, but we're getting solid about what our collective purpose is, and I can see more amazing things starting to fall into place. I have to thank the founding members and masterclass guest teachers for helping us set the cornerstone of a one-of-a-kind learning and connecting experience. Together, we can now focus on GROWTH and bringing many more new members into our tribe of CONNECTION in 2023. 

One of my favorite things that happened this year was bringing the 8 Minute Ripple to a virtual format, which has been such an exciting way to reach people across the globe in an infinitely more meaningful and interesting way than the traditional networking event. People LOVE 8 Minute Ripple and this year, we brought it back, better than ever.

I’ve also had a lot of speaking opportunities bubble up this year, now that groups are convening more events and trainings. And thanks to the growth of our community and content, I'm finding greater confidence in what I want to present and how I want to present it. The power of connection has such deep roots and I’m able to bring that depth to everything I’m doing for organizations and teams.  

That rise in confidence goes for podcasting too.

I've really settled into this role of podcast producer and co-host on two shows, Conversations with Asha and Steve with Dr. Asha Prasad and Inquiring Minds with Donna Karlin. Both shows have really pushed me to be a better version of myself and it's so gratifying to bring these important conversations to public consciousness. The collaborations have opened up new audiences and deepened relationships with two women I respect so much.  

And of course, I absolutely love how The Ripple Effect Podcast is evolving. The interview format has become richer this year, featuring so many fascinating examples of what it means to be a Rippler. And when I'm not interviewing somebody, I get to explore on a more personal level, to create monologues about the deep work I've always dreamed of doing. 

That kind of freedom has inspired me to develop a new training approach for my software company. So it really feels like everything I’m doing is connected and strengthened. Overall, 2022 has brought me newfound energy, excitement and confidence to manifest the work I'm called to do.

What a really special thing that is! 

Taking some time to recognize all the milestones, the accomplishments, the key people, and everything we've been able to do together, it leads me to think about how to keep the momentum, keep driving progress. I'm very much a ‘builder’ and I’m itching to figure out what we're going to build next in 2023. 

For right now, I’m enjoying this look back at all the hard work, effort, pain and sweat that got me to this point and realizing I'm exactly where I need to be, both as an entrepreneur and on my own personal journey. Super grateful and excited for what’s next. 

Ripple On!!!


My Authentic Words


Met with some resistance