Connecting & Relationship Building Culture Assessment

Connecting & Relationship-Building Culture Assessment

Read each question carefully and rate your organization’s practices on a scale of 1 (Not at All) to 5 (Consistently and Exceptionally Well). Be honest to identify areas for growth.

1. How often do leaders and managers initiate meaningful one-on-one conversations with team members to understand their personal and professional goals?

2. Does your organization have established practices for celebrating personal milestones (e.g., birthdays, work anniversaries) and professional achievements?

3. How well does your organization encourage and reward collaboration, knowledge sharing, and team-oriented problem-solving across departments?

4. To what extent do your workplace policies and practices prioritize face-to-face or virtual relationship-building activities (e.g., team-building exercises, retreats, networking events)?

5. Do your leaders openly model vulnerability, empathy, and active listening to create psychological safety for their teams?

6. How effectively does your organization address conflicts in a way that strengthens relationships and trust rather than causing division or disengagement?

7. How often are employees given opportunities to mentor or be mentored, building cross-generational or cross-functional relationships?

8. How integrated is relationship-building into your hiring, onboarding, and training processes?

Scoring Guide

36–40: Connected and Thriving - Your workplace culture deeply integrates relationships and connecting at every level.

28–35: Relationship-Oriented, But Room to Refine - Focus on areas like mentorship or conflict resolution.

20–27: Inconsistent Connection - Consider training leaders in empathy and fostering collaboration.

Below 20: Disconnected - Prioritize leadership modeling, structured opportunities for interaction, and conflict resolution practices.