Discover your Ripple Effect inside the most connected community online

We asked Ripplers all over the world to help co-create a vision for a Ripple community online
We’re passionate about the power of CONNECTION. And we learned that YOU are passionate about it too.
Here’s what you told us…
A unique, ‘community-first’ initiative where community-based Rippling is our number one priority.
We aim to be the positive online space you’ve been looking for, with people who are opportunity-makers, committed to connecting with a mutuality mindset – those who expect to give as much as they expect to gain.
More than content and resources, this is a safe and supportive place to take your connection practice to the next level by tapping into the wisdom of the Ripple Effect.
This is YOUR community. And we are excited to see what kind of giant Ripples we’ll create when we connect.
Open Ripple
Enjoy the latest posts, podcasts and connection challenges from Ripple Central
Hone your connection mindset and skills with content from Pond Partners
Unlock Your Ripple Effect by taking a free course with Steve Harper
Attend virtual 8 Minute Ripple® events
Join the Ripple Chat to pose questions, make real-time connections, share wins and resources
Career Ripple
Job Seeker forum to post resumes, share tips and support other job seekers
Career Opportunities forum to post openings, job fairs or training, and to network with companies, recruiters and coaches
Join the Career Chat to pose questions, make real-time connections, celebrate wins and resources
Women Optimizing Women (WOW) Ripple
Tribe-building space just for women, facilitated by women
Enjoy posts and resources from Pond Partners
Attend virtual gatherings Over Coffee
Join the WOW Chat to pose questions, make real-time connections, celebrate wins and resources
Redefine retirement and explore ways to think about this chapter of life in a different, non-traditional way
Connect and share with others who are navigating transitions later in life
Spark curiosity and new interests by joining online meetups
Share resources and support, meeting new friends with common interests
Join a year-round coaching program to become a more engaged connector, convener and leader in your life and business
Led by Chief Rippler, Steve Harper with opportunities for individual brief coaching sessions
Monthly masterclasses offered by dynamic experts, business leaders and coaches
Weekly live, online events
Actionable DEEP DIVE projects, assignments and the accountability you need to stay committed to your connection practice
A fun and affordable way to grow and master your relationship-building power
Actionable skills you can go out and practice TODAY
Led by dynamic and experienced coaches you will love to learn from
Key features to make it just right:
Customize your POND profile with a headline, brief bio and as much contact information as you like
Join FREE exclusive events, including 8 MINUTE RIPPLE
Access community directory and send private messages to your POND-mates
Choose precisely how you want to be notified of new posts and events - by email, in-app or mobile
Download the mobile app to stay connected on the go
Join only the Ripple spaces you really want
Access CONNECT + GROW COACHING right inside the community
Connect with trusted POND moderators and partners
Add your team members to create a culture of Rippling
Click to watch an orientation tour!

What Members are Saying

Discover YOUR Ripple Effect
in the most CONNECTED community online