Ripple Community Speaks - June Survey Results


Last month, we launched a new initiative called Good Questions. It’s a chance for the Ripple community to ask me all your burning questions. But it’s also a chance for ME to ask YOU some of my own.

In June, I wanted to know a little more about how my team and I can make a difference for YOU, since July’s Ripple Membership theme is all about making a difference.

Looks like anytime is a good time for 8 Minute Ripple™.

We’ve been convening these events on Thursday evenings this year, which seems to work for a lot of people. But maybe we need to try a lunchtime event to see how that feels.

8 Minute Ripple™ is a really dynamic and engaging event that requires attending the whole two-hour event in order to get the full 8MR experience. We like to give you plenty of rounds to connect with new people. So we’re curious to learn if most people will be able to commit to spending two hours with us over a lunch period.

The truth is, we’ll never find a time that can work for everyone, especially since Ripplers live all over the globe. So these results sort of affirm that reality. Looks like weekends are not an option for now.

8 Minute Ripple™ returns in August after a summer break. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn when registrations opens!

Well, you all make me so proud!

This was not a trick question, by the way. It’s ok if building your network isn’t always the most important thing. Yet, it has the potential to help elevate and fortify all the other important priorities you have in your life. So making it something you are consistently committed to is such a smart strategy.

Connection and collaboration opportunities with our community of Ripplers is your most common need right now.

Professional/career advice and coaching, along with more virtual events like 8 Minute Ripple™ are close behind.

The upcoming Ripple Membership is actually going to be the ideal way to get all of those needs met. We’ll be kicking it off in September with our elite group of Founding Members.

I want you to think of the Ripple Membership as an opportunity to have exclusive access to me - as your coach, encourager, reinforcer and also the connection between you and other members, coaches and experts. You’ll definitely learn a lot because we’re inviting some AMAZING subject matter experts to lead us in some unique masterclass and discussions.

But I think the core benefit of being a year-round member is BELONGING to a committed group of Ripplers.

If you want the collaboration, events and coaching you indicated in these survey responses - but also the potential to build and leverage new relationships for personal OR professional growth - you shouldn’t even hesitate to join us.

Heck, the free passes to 8 Minute Ripple™ are worth the membership investment.

Other comments

We received a few other comments that I loved.

“Love the idea of a forum for the Ripple community to interact with each other.”

Absolutely, we have this planned for the Ripple Member Area. We’ll also have an optional Member Directory where members can find information to help them connect outside of the membership.

“I’m trying to get remotivated this summer after a very busy school year.”

We hear you and we send out our heartfelt appreciation for all you do for our kids and young adults in school. I’m actually looking for ways to connect with professionals in schools and higher ed right now because I’d love to find a way to leverage all we’re offering at Ripple Central to help bolster and support our treasured friends in education. If you know anyone I should be talking to, please get in touch.

Next up?

I want to see more of you responding to our Good Questions monthly survey. If you’re not subscribed to our email list yet, now is the time - sign up HERE.

July’s survey is also about Making a Difference. But this time, I want to know how YOU are making a difference. This is a chance for you to reflect, share a story with me and influence how my team and I can create Ripple experiences that are meaningful and have impact for you.


Call to Action: Make a Difference


What could one connection mean to you?