Leverage Your Network In Your Job Search

Repost from a BLOG done in April 2013 in honor of a presentation I am giving this week to HiredTexas. 

You're Hired

Your network has untold power. Just ask Doug Rietz. Doug and I met recently when I hosted an event in Albuquerque to discuss entrepreneurship and its impact on the state's economy. Doug had recently learned he was about to be laid off from VMware, a virtualization software company. But Doug, a sales professional, didn't seem worried. What he did seem was confident and sure about his future. I instantly liked that about him.

You see Doug had relocated to the Albuquerque area because he and his wife absolutely love New Mexico. He was determined to find a job that would give him the flexibility of working from his home while he built his new life in the great Land of Enchantment. Tired of the rat race of California. Doug found the easy, laid-back pace of New Mexico living to be exactly what he was looking for. So they made the leap and he settled into his new environment and went to work.

Then, two years later, his boss asked to see him. He, along with many of his co-workers, would be laid off.

Despite the recent news of the impending layoff, Doug didn't seem at all concerned. He was confident that he would find a company that would allow him to continue living in the area and would provide him with the same flexibility he'd enjoyed at VMware. He had only begun his job search but seemed extremely confident for a man living in a state with a 6.6% unemployment rate.

Doug did what most people fail to do when faced with a similar situation, he reached out to his network. 80% of all jobs are never advertised. 60% of all jobs landed are landed because someone knows someone.  All that's to say your network, especially when facing a career transition, becomes critical in locating your next position. In fact, your network already likely knows where you can find your next job. Of course, that's only true if you've kept in touch and continued build the relationships you've created within your network. In speaking with Doug, it was clear Doug did all that.

Doug put out the word. Doug raised the flag and said, "I'm available!" Then Doug turned to his close connections to see what companies he should be looking at and his efforts paid off.  Just yesterday I received an email from Doug. Seems one of Doug's colleagues from VMware had moved on to a new company based in San Antonio that just so happened to be looking for someone just like Doug. Doug interviewed, was offered the job and best of all they are more than happy to allow him to keep building the life he loves in New Mexico.

Your network has power people. More power than you can imagine. But you have to build a solid one first in order to leverage it later. Then and only then you can reach out and you can expect your requests for help to be answered.

Congratulations on the new job Doug. I'll enjoy hearing about your company the next time we meet at Kelly's for a beer and nachos!Ripple On!!! 2017 Update: Doug is continuing to leverage the power of the Ripple to build his network and find work that he loves doing. He recently Rippled his way into a new position that suits his lifestyle and work from home requirement. He and his wife continue to love the beautiful New Mexico landscapes and documents his journey in some beautiful videos. Check them out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8xDqwBIASesV19tPKvCy9Q


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