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Robin Williams: What Will Your Verse Be?

Robin Williams

Last night I received the shocking news that Robin Williams had passed away. Robin was one of my all-time favorite actors and comedians. I couldn't begin to describe his incredible range of talent and his uncanny ability to make me smile. He was one of those people who just made me happy.

Though I didn't know him personally, he made me feel like I did. You too?

Some of my favorite Robin Williams movies, are Good Will Hunting, Patch Adams, Dead Poets Society, Insomnia, One Hour Photo, Jack, and of course Awakenings just to name a few. The diversity of his acting ability is just as impressive as his quick-witted approach to his comedy. His range of characters and voices always held me in awe. He was simply a genius.

In the coming weeks and months, more details will come out about Mr. Williams' apparent struggles with depression and the circumstances which led to his death. You should not let those revelations pass you by. Here's a man who, on the surface, had everything to live for. He made millions and millions of people laugh, smile, and think, he inspired a whole generation of comedians to work harder and be committed to their craft. He inspired actors to be better at their jobs because he made it look so seamless, and he made lots of money and lived a life of privilege that many of us could only dream about.

Yet the demons of depression still held a firm grip on him. They gnawed at his soul daily. He struggled with ways to combat it through drugs and alcohol. At times finding his way back to the light believing he may have won the battle. But as most people who have suffered from similar mental disorders and addictions know, you never really win the war. This man whose entire life's purpose seemed to be for our entertainment was clearly walking a path of darkness that in the end consumed him.

We all know a Robin Williams somewhere in our lives. That one person who puts on the brave face and fights the good fight but you just know, they are struggling.

So why do we turn a blind eye to them? Why do we not take them in our arms and let them know they don't have to fight alone. That we are here for them? That we love them?

Is it because it's too personal? Because the "situation" might make us and them uncomfortable? Because it's not our battle to fight and surely they'd ask for help if they really honestly needed it.

Did Robin?

So perhaps those people are the ones that need your Ripples the most? Maybe they are the ones who desperately need the help but are unable to ask for it.

Don't turn a blind eye to them and their situation. Don't let them brush their issues under the carpet. And don't pretend it will magically go away if you don't say anything.

Don't be that person who says, "I wish I had done something for them."

Just don't.

Contribute the verse that maybe they are needing. Be a spark of light that refuses to let the darkness consume them.

I sure wish I could have done that for Robin. I am sure today, a lot of people are thinking that. Even if they won't say it.

What will your verse be?

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