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Halloween Is Here

When I was growing up I couldn't wait for Halloween to arrive. My imagination would run wild as I began to plot who I'd be for the big day.

Back when Sears still printed catalogs, I'd go through the pages filled with costumes with a fine-tooth comb as my anticipation nearly boiled over. Of course, my mom would never let me order an actual costume from the "magic book". It however gave me tons of ideas and helped me decide what I'd ask for when costume shopping. Of course, the costumes at Safeway or Woolworths never looked as cool as those that I dreamed of from Sears.

I read recently that Halloween has a huge economic impact on our economy. Aside from the candy sales, adult costume sales continue to increase year over year. I suppose it's because more and more adults try to relive that childhood memory and are one of the cool houses on the block when they open the door for this year's bumper crop of ghosts and goblins. For us, my wife buys more and more decorations to make our house more festive year after year and we always have to have the "good" candy. Yep, we are contributing to the economic growth of this holiday just fine thank you very much.

Halloween no matter how you slice it still gets me excited. Though I never quite did do up my house as a Haunted House as I had envisioned I would as a younger kid, we do have fun with it. My wife decorates the outside of our house and makes it a magical experience that changes year after year. And of course, I enjoy seeing all the little kiddos (and they're dressed up parents) as they come trick or treating.

I suppose you never really outgrow Halloween if you don't want to. And my friends, I don't want to.

So trick or treat? I say, ask for both.

Happy Halloween and as always,

Ripple On!!!

ICYMI: Guest Blogger Vicki McCullough, Rippling makes me think.